Curriculum Vitae

Table of Contents

1. Personal Information

  • Name: Yoshinori Ueeda
  • Sex: Male
  • Date of Birth: October 14th, 1961
  • Nationality: Japan
  • E-mail: ueeda[at]keio.jp
  • Official Site: http://ueeda.sakura.ne.jp/

2. Education

  • April 1980 – March 1984: Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan (Department of the History of Western Philosophy (Medieval))
  • April 1985 – March 1987: Graduate School of Letters, Kyoto University Master Program, Kyoto, Japan (Department of Philosophy)
  • April 1987 – March 1990: Graduate School of Letters, Kyoto University Doctoral Program, Kyoto, Japan (Department of Philosophy)
  • July 1995 – December 1996: Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, Fordham University, New York, USA (Department of Philosophy)

3. Degrees

  • 1984: B.A. (Philosophy) Kyoto University, Department of the History of Western Philosophy (Medieval)
  • 1987: M.A. (Philosophy) Graduate School of Letters, Kyoto University, Department of Philosophy

4. Work experience

  • April 1997 – March 1998: Lecturer of Faculty of Humanities, Fukuoka University
  • April 1998 – March 2005: Associate Professor of Faculty of Humanities, Fukuoka University
  • April 2005 – March 2011: Professor of Faculty of Humanities, Fukuoka University
  • April 2011 – present: Professor of Department of Philosophy, Faculty of Letters, Keio University
  • April 2018 – March 2019: Visiting Scholar of Philosophy Department of Saint Louis University, Missouri, USA.

5. Academic Membership

  • American Philosophical Association
  • Japanese Society of Medieval Philosophy (Editorial Board 2011 – 2016, Director 2007 – 2021, Secretariat: General Manager Secretary 2006 – 2009, President 2021 – Present)
  • The Japan Philosophical Association (Editorial Board 2007 – 2011, Deputy Editor 2019 – 2021)
  • Philosophy of Science Society, Japan
  • Kyoto Philosophical Society
  • Kansai Philosophical Society (Editorial Board 2019 – Present)
  • West Japan Philosophical Association (Director 2006 – 2011, 2015 –Present)
  • The Kyodai Society of Medieval Philosophy (Editorial Board 2014 – Present)
  • Japan Association for the Contemporary and Applied Philosophy

6. List of Publication

Unless otherwise specified, written in Japanese.

6.1. Book

  1. An Introduction to Contemporary Epistemology. (Keiso Shobo, August 20, 2020, total 238 pages).
  2. "The understanding of nature in Aquinas" in The Philosophy of Human Beings in front of the Nature eds by Tadaaki Kanzaki and Susumu Nomoto (Keio University Press, February 2020, pp.21-40, total 299 pages).
  3. "Is is possible to find the Metaphysics of light in Aquinas?" in Metaphysics of Light, ed by Shiro Yamauchi (Keio University Press, February 2018, pp.101-126, total 273 pages).
  4. "Linguistic Philosophy of Aquinas” in Masataka Takeshita, Shiro Yamauchi ds Islamic philosophy and Christian medieval period — practical philosp, Iwanami Shoten, March 29, 2012, pp.155-176, Total 300 pages).
  5. "13th Century Scholastic Philosophy and Thomas Aquinas” in Shigeru Kanzaki, Yoshihiko Kumano, Izumi Suzuki eds The History of Western Philosophy II – Transfiguration Knowledge and Faith, (Kodansha, December 10, 2011, pp.281-329, Total 448 Pages).
  6. "Western Medieval Philosophy and Contemporary Philosophy” in Kazuhisa Todayama, Yasuo Deguchi e For those studying applied philosophy, (Sekaishisousha, May 20, 2011, pp.349-358, Total 362 pages).
  7. "God" as Enigma – An Introduction to the Philosophy ofligion, 2nd edition, (Sekaishisousha, April 20, 2007, Total 294 Pages).
  8. "God" as Enigma – An Introduction to the Philosophy ofligion, (Sekaishisousha, April 20, 2000, Total 268 Pages).
  9. "Islamic Philosophy," in Uchiyama Shori, Nakagawa Sumieds, The History of Western Philosophy [Ancient / Medieval Edition] – The Origin and Tradition of Philosophia, (Minerva Publishing, July 25, 1996, pp.213-223, Total 322 pages).

6.2. Academic Paper

  1. "Aquinas on Omniscience and Knowledge of What Time It Is," Studies in Medieval Thought, No. 58, October 15, 2016, pp.17-30.
  2. "Is the God of Aquinas the Idea of Esse?" Studies in Medieval Thought, No. 55, September 2013.
  3. "Esse as Actuality: Revisited," Kansai Philosophical Association Annual Report, No. 21, June 2013, pp.37-48.
  4. "Thomas Aquinas, Being and Actuality", The World in Medieval Logic, Theology and Psychology, Eds. Tetsuro Shimizu and Charles Burnett. Belgium: Brepols, 2009. pp. 245-259.[ENGLISH]
  5. "Structure of Essence in Thomas Aquinas – Toward a New Theory of Universal," Risou, No.683, September 2009, pp. 57-70.
  6. "Contextualism and Skepticism," West Japan Philosophy Annual Report, No. 16, October 2008, pp.165-18
  7. "What to Learn from Reformist Epistemology," Religious research No. 357, September 2008, pp.139-16
  8. "God, existence and reality – Thomas Aquinas's Interpretation of Essence," Kansai Philosophical Association Annual Report No. 14, June 2006, pp.141-156.
  9. "Epistemic Justification in Aquinas," Fukuoka University Research Group A: Humanities. Vol.4 No.5, 2004. 9, pp.1-18.
  10. "Epistemic Justification and Truth in Thomas Aquinas," Studies in Medieval Thought. No. 46, September 2004, pp.107-118.
  11. "Criticism of Esse from Analytical Thomism," Studies in Medieval Thought. No. 44, September 2002, pp.19-35.
  12. "On Omnipotence," Fukuoka University Research Institute Report. No. 249 (Humanities and Social Science Edition No. 176), March 2001, pp. 57-78.
  13. "Knowledge, Justification and Virtue — from the viewpoint of modern epistemology." West Japan Philosophy Annual Report. No. 7, October 5, 1999, pp.47-60.
  14. "A Study on Thomas Aquinas' Ontology – Esse as actus essend.i" Fukuoka University Humanities Discourse. Vol. 30, No. 1, June 20, 1998, pp.1-47.
  15. "Existence of God and Human Reason." Fukuoka University Humanities and Social Sciences. Vol. 29, No. 3, December 20, 1997, pp.1375-1408.
  16. "Early Heidegger and Buddhism on Death." Fukuoka University Humanities Discourse. Vol. 29, No. 2 September 20, 1997, pp. 567-588. [ENGLISH]
  17. "Truth as Relation in Aquinas." Veritas: Kyodai Studies in Mediaeval Philosophy No. 15, November 25, 1996, pp.36-52. [ENGLISH]
  18. "About the actual distinction between existence and essence – Thomas Aquinas's De Ente et Essentia Chapter 4." West Japan Philosophical Association Annual Report. No. 1, June 1993, pp.31-40.
  19. "esse and essentia in De ente et essentia Chapter 4." Veritas: Kyodai Studies in Mediaeval Philosophy No. 11, October 1992, pp.59-70.
  20. "A question about the distinction between existence and essence in Thomas Aquinas." Veritas: Kyodai Studies in Mediaeval Philosophy. No. 10, 1991, pp.83-86.
  21. "On the meaning of ens that falls within category – Thomas Aquinas, De Ente et Essentia, c.6." Veritas: Kyodai Studies in Mediaeval Philosophy No. 9, 1990, pp.68-72.
  22. "'True' and Categories in Aquinas." Studies in Medieval Thought. No. 31, 1989, pp.92
  23. "On the genus and differentia in Aquinas." Veritas: Kyodai Studies in Mediaeval Philosophy. No. 7, 1988, pp.69-72.
  24. "The End as the Cause of Causes." Veritas: Kyodai Studies in Mediaeval Philosophy. No. 6, 1987, pp.61-64.
  25. The problem of truth in Aquinas. (Master’s thesis of philosophy department of Kyoto University, 1987).

6.3. Translation (to Japanese)

  1. John Greco. Achieving Knowledge: A Virtue-Theoretic Account of Epistemic Normativity. Keiso Shobo, 2020.
  2. Steven Menn. “Metaphysics." in Medieval Philosophy: Cambridge Companion. Translated by Shinsuke Kawazoe et al, Kyoto University Press, 2012.
  3. L.Bonjour and E.Sosa. Epistemic Justification. Sangyo Tosho, 2006.
  4. Roderick M. Chisholm. Theory of Knowledge: Third Edition. Sekaishisousha, 2003.

Author: yoshinori ueeda

Created: 2022-05-24 Tue 20:57
