Table of Contents
Welcome to Yoshinori Ueeda's Website.
慶應義塾大学 文学部 哲学専攻 上枝のWebsiteです。
1. What's New
- Therese Cory (University of Notre Dame) will be here in early June! Derails to follow.
- here. The first half of the video introduces the study of medieval philosophy in Japan, while the second half shows how Western philosophy of religion was accepted (or not) by the Japanese. A video of my talk at OAG ("‘Western’ Philosophy in Japan - Medieval Thought and its Path to the East) has been published
- GitHub. (5.1) The tex files of the Latin-Japanese translation of the Summa Theologiae (Aquinas) is now available at
- publications page is newly published. This page mainly consolidates information about monographs and translations. Within the Currirulum Vitae page,
- ReadTheOrg by fniessen The design of this site is now ReadTheOrg. Thank you fnissen.
- Philosopher's Indexの使い方のページを作成しました。卒論や修論をかかえて英語文献が気になっている人は必見です。 学内向けに、
- SLU Philosophical Colloquium (YouTube movies here) My wife recorded my talk at SLU.
- The Research/Translations page is constantly being updated. Please see GitHub for details.
2. Movies of my philosophical talks (English)
- Western Philosophy in Japan — Medieval Thought and its Paths to the East. OAG Hall, Akasaka, Tokyo, Japan
- Aquinas on Esse and Actuality. SLU Philosophy Colloquium, Saint Louis University. MO, USA
3. Class
Mon | Tue | Wed | Thr | Fri | |
1 | |||||
2 | undergraduate seminar (143-D) | Waseda U. (Fall) | |||
3 | graduate seminar1 (143-C) | Philosophy 100 (134) | |||
4 | graduate seminar2 (143-C) | ||||
5 | Project I (325-A) | Faculty Meeting |
3.1. 内容
- 哲学概論 (Philosophy 100)
- An introductory course primarily for the second-year philosophy majors.
- 研究会 (undergraduate seminar)
- We will be reading the basic literature of medieval philosophy in Japanese.
- 大学院ゼミ1 (graduate seminar1)
- We will be reading the basic literature of medieval philosophy in Latin.
- 大学院ゼミ2 (graduate seminar2)
- same as above
- Project I
- 春学期に開講される、文学研究科「西洋中世研究」のオムニバス授業です。
4. Curriculum Vitae
5. Research
5.1. Translations
5.2. Links
6. Private and misc.
6.1. Weblog
6.2. Instagram
6.3. memo on emacs
- babel-greek cheat sheet
- TeXでギリシア語を書くときに使うbabel-greek用のcheat sheet。
- bookmarkを使おう
- emacsのbookmarkを便利に使うためのtips。
- Calc
- emacs標準装備の高性能関数電卓の紹介。
- Dired Cheat Sheet
- emacsのファイラーdiredのcheat sheet。
- howmが生き残る道
- denoteやorg-roamの時代にhowmをどう使うか
- org-agendaを使おう
- org-agendaの簡単な紹介。
- org-agendaで繰り返す予定をどう扱うか
- org-agendaを使って授業の予定を管理し記録をつけるときのknow how。
- org-agendaをdenoteで管理する
- 文書は何でもdenoteで管理しよう。その第一歩。
- org-journal cheat sheet
- emacsで動く日誌パッケージ org-journalのcheat sheet
- org-modeで添付ファイルを管理する
- org-modeは添付ファイルも扱えます。
- Mew Cheat Sheet
- emacsで動く老舗メーラーmewの個人的なcheat sheet。(今はmu4eを使ってます)
- cheat sheet for mu4e
- emacsで動くメーラーmu4eのcheat sheet。
- emacs and tab
- emacsがタブエディターだったことにようやく気付いた。